Greetings to my legion of adoring fans who bombarded me with emails asking for my return. Your voice was heard, and I have returned. I am hoping that the insights I provide will continue to be taken as the gospel by which you should lead your lives.
And if you believe that, I've got this bridge I'd like to sell you...!
Actually, I've been going through quite a phase in my life the last few months. My life has undergone a dramatic change, and it seems to be working out OK, which is no small thing for me! Let me sum up the last eight months of my life for anyone who might give a care:
I got fired from my job as an IT guy in Houston. (More on this another day.)
I discovered a new career. (More on this later.)
I moved. To another city.
I proposed to the girl of my dreams.
Hmmm...Doesn't seem a like a whole lot when I list it off like that, but when you really think about it, everything about my life changed in less than a year. Some of it was not my choice, some of it was, but it has all been a great experience and I am looking forward to what the future may bring.
I'll keep checking in periodically and giving more details as I go along. I hope the Christmas season is treating everyone well.