IT Manager.
I really like the sound of it. What I like even more is the hard work and post-graduate education in the School of Hard Knocks (Colt Exploration, thank you very much!) that it took to get here.
I won't bore you with the details, but in a nutshell, I have taken on the responsibility of building an Information Technology department for Coastland Federal Credit Union.
Why is this such a new beginning? Well, professionally, it's the culmination of a lot of lessons, a lot of disappointment, a lot of determination, and a fair amount of luck that has put me in a position to secure my future. Personally, it has required a change in scenery.
How about New Orleans?
I know that I just elicited a heck of a response from you. Whether that response was positive or negative is the question!
More details to come. Thanks to everyone who has supported this decision.
That means you, Jessica!!